Avtor/Urednik     Inkret, Jezerka; Podovšovnik, Eva; Zupanc, Tomaž; Haring, Gregor; Zupanič-Pajnič, Irena
Naslov     Intra-bone nuclear DNA variability in Second World War metatarsal and metacarpal bones
Tip     članek
Leto izdaje     2021
Obseg     str. str.
ISSN     0937-9827 - International journal of legal medicine
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     DNA analysis of Second World War skeletal remains is challenging because of the limited yield of DNA that is usually recovered. Recent forensic research has focused on determining which skeletal elements are superior in their preservation of DNA, and little focus has been placed on measuring intra-bone variability. Metatarsals and metacarpals outperformed all the other bones in DNA yield when analyzing all representative skeletal elements of three SecondWorld War victims, and intra-bone variability was not studied. Soft-tissue remnants were found to contribute to higher DNA yield in trabecular bone tissue. Because metatarsals and metacarpals are composed of trabecular epiphyses and a dense diaphysis, the goal of this study was to explore intra-bone variability in DNA content bymeasuring nuclear DNA quantity and quality using the PowerQuant System(Promega). A total of 193 bones from a single SecondWorld War mass grave were examined. From each bone, DNA was extracted fromthe compact diaphysis and from both spongy epiphyses combined. This study confirms higher DNA quantity in epiphyses than diaphyses among all the bones analyzed, and more DNA was obtained from metacarpal epiphyses than from metatarsal epiphyses. Therefore, whenever the possibility for sampling both metacarpals and metatarsals from skeletal remains exists, collecting metacarpals is recommended. In cases in which the hands are missing, metatarsals should be sampled. In any case, epiphyses are a richer source of DNA than diaphyses.
Proste vsebinske oznake     metatarsal bones
metacarpal bones
second world war
metatarzalne kosti
metakarpalne kosti
druga svetovna vojna