Avtor/Urednik     Goričar, Katja; Dolžan, Vita; Lenassi, Metka
Naslov     Extracellular vesicles
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     , št. Vol. 12
Leto izdaje     2021
Obseg     str. 1-16
ISSN     1663-9812 - Frontiers in pharmacology
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Biomarkers that can guide cancer therapy based on patients' individual cancer molecular signature can enable a more effective treatment with fewer adverse events. Data onactionable somatic mutations and germline genetic variants, studied by personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics, can be obtained from tumor tissue or blood samples. As tissue biopsy cannot reflect the heterogeneity of the tumor or its temporal changes,liquid biopsy is a promising alternative approach. In recent years, extracellular vesicles(EVs) have emerged as a potential source of biomarkers in liquid biopsy. EVs are aheterogeneous population of membrane bound particles, which are released from all cells and accumulate into body fluids. They contain various proteins, lipids, nucleic acids (miRNA, mRNA, and DNA) and metabolites. In cancer, EV biomolecular composition and concentration are changed. Tumor EVs can promote the remodeling of the tumor micro environment and pre-metastatic niche formation, and contribute to transfer of oncogenic potential or drug resistance during chemotherapy. This makes them apromising source of minimally invasive biomarkers. A limited number of clinical studies investigated EVs to monitor cancer progression, tumor evolution or drug resistance and several putative EV-bound protein and RNA biomarkers were identified. This review isfocused on EVs as novel biomarker source for personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics in oncology. As several pharmacogenes and genes associated with targeted therapy, chemotherapy or hormonal therapy were already detected in EVs, they might be used forfine-tuning personalized cancer treatment.
Proste vsebinske oznake     pharmacogenomics
personalized medicine
prilagojena medicina