Avtor/Urednik     Tomazin, Rok Tit; Cvetko, Erika; Alibegović, Armin; Janáček, Jiří; Umek, Nejc
Naslov     The effects of diabetes type 2 on capillary network of inspiratory muscles analysed by a 3D method
Tip     članek
Vir     In: 13th European Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis, 28-30 June 2021, Saint Étienne : ECSIA'2021 : [conference program] Saint Étienne : [s. n.]
Leto izdaje     2021
Obseg     str. 34-35
Jezik     eng
Proste vsebinske oznake     sladkorna bolezen tip 2
skeletne mišice
vpliv na dihalne mišice
diabetes type 2
skeletal muscle
effect to the respiratory muscles