Avtor/Urednik     Patrinos, George P.; Andritsou, Asimina; Chalikiopoulou, Konstantina; Mendrinou, Effrosyni; Tsermpini, Evangelia Erini
Naslov     Pharmacogenomics in clinical care
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Applied genomics and public health London, United Kingdom San Diego, CA : Elsevier/Academic Press
Leto izdaje     2020
Obseg     str. 111-130
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Pharmacogenomics refers to the genetic basis of the interindividual differences in drug response, in terms of efficacy and toxicity. Pharmacogenomics aims to redefine disease management and patient stratification, with direct impact not only on the quality of life of the patients but also on the reduction of the overall cost of health-care expenditure. The latter has important implications in modern clinical practice as well as public health. This chapter aims to summarize our current knowledge pertaining to the applications of pharmacogenomics in clinical care, in particular the most important medical specialties, namely, cardiology, oncology, and psychiatry, and also addresses important aspects of pharmacogenomics in relation to public health.
Proste vsebinske oznake     farmakogenomika
neželeni učinki zdravila
javno zdravje
adverse drug reactions
public health