Avtor/Urednik     Hancock, John M.; Dover, Gabriel A.
Naslov     Paradoxes of molecular coevolution in the rDNA multigene family
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Evolutionary biology of transient unstable populations Berlin New York : Springer-Verlag
Leto izdaje     1989
Obseg     str. 206-220
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     t is generally assumed that selection underlies the evolution of coadapted gene complexes required for the establishment of coordinated phenotypes. The molecular coevolution between functional regions of the rDNA multigene family and other genetic components, as well as between different regions within the rDNA genes, requires a more elaborate explanation because the evolutionary dynamics of multigene families are subject to a variety of molecular mechanisms of DNA turnover, as well as natural selection. We describe paradoxes of molecular coevolution in the rDNA for which there are no clear-cut solutions as to why and how they became established.
Proste vsebinske oznake     kompenzacijska mutacija
varianta promotorja
enota rDNA
compensatory mutation
promoter variant
rDNA unit