Avtor/Urednik     Tsermpini, Evangelia Eirini; Glamočlija, Una; Ulucan-Karnak, Fulden; Redenšek Trampuž, Sara; Dolžan, Vita
Naslov     Molecular mechanisms related to responses to oxidative stress and antioxidative therapies in COVID-19
Tip     članek
Vol. in št.     Letnik 11, št. 8
Leto izdaje     2022
Obseg     str. 1-39
ISSN     2076-3921
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is a leading global health and economic challenge. What defines the disease’s progression is not entirely understood, but there are strong indications that oxidative stress and the defense against reactive oxygen species are crucial players. A big influx of immune cells to the site of infection is marked by the increase in reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Our article aims to highlight the critical role of oxidative stress in the emergence and severity of COVID-19 and, more importantly, to shed light on the underlying molecular and genetic mechanisms. We have reviewed the available literature and clinical trials to extract the relevant genetic variants within the oxidative stress pathway associated with COVID-19 and the anti-oxidative therapies currently evaluated in the clinical trials for COVID-19 treatment, in particular clinical trials on glutathione and N-acetylcysteine.
Proste vsebinske oznake     COVID-19
oksidativni stres
oxidative stress