Avtor/Urednik     Lotrič-Furlan, Stanka; Vidmar, Ludvik
Naslov     Humana erlihioza
Prevedeni naslov     Human ehrlichiosis
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 65, št. 3
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 127-30
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. The genus Ehrlichia was known only as agents of veterinary disease from 1935 year. In 1986, the first human case was discovered in the United States and ehrlichiae were also proven as human pathogens. Ehrlichieae are gram-negative bacteriae that are obligate intracellular parasites classified in the family Rickettsiaceae. They are found in the cytoplasmic vacuoles of monocytes or granulocytes. Only the some species of the genus Ehrlichia are known to be human pathogens. It is known to be transmitted by ticks. Ehrlichiae cause undifferentiated fever with leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and elevations in serum aminotransferase levels. The diagnosis is confirmed on the base of clinical course and by serological tests during convalescence. Therapy with tetracycline is highly efficacious. Conclusions. In this paper the authors want to draw attention to a newly recognised tick-born disease. The epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, clinical course and therapy of ehrlichiosis are presented.
Deskriptorji     EHRLICHIOSIS