Avtor/Urednik     Rebol, Janez; Bumber, Željko
Naslov     Primerjava transkutanega in intraoralnega sonografskega pristopa v prikazu nebnic
Prevedeni naslov     Comparison between transcutaneous and intraoral approach in sonography of the tonsil
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 35, št. Suppl 6
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 285-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In this study the intraoral and transcutaneous approaches to the sonographic presentation of palatine tonsils were used. We compared sonographic characteristics in both approaches in patients with chronic tonsilitis and healthy volunteers. Tonsils are sonographically presented as oval structures with weak internal echoes and smooth, clearly defined borders. On the basis of sonographic characteristics it is not possible to distinquish between chronically inflammed and normal tonsis. The intraoral approach will gain importance as a diagnostic aid in differential diagnosis of tonsilar diseases.
Izvleček     Za ultrazvočni prikaz nebnic smo uporabili transkutani in intraoralni pristop. Primerjali smo njihove značilnosti pri obeh pristopih pri zdravih preiskovancih in pri bolnikih s kroničnim vnetjem nebnic. Nebnice se ultrazvočno prikažejo kot ovalne, hipoehogene, grobo ali fino homogene strukture. Po ultrazvočnih ne moremo vedno ločiti kronično vnetih nebnic ob normalnih. Dobro pa lahko ocenimo nihovo velikost in omejenost. Intraoralni ultrazvočni pristop bo verjetno sčasoma dobil svoje mesto v diferencialni diagnostiki bolezenskih sprememb na nebnicah.
Deskriptorji     TONSILLITIS