Avtor/Urednik     Makovec, T; Breskvar, K; Hudnik-Plevnik, T
Naslov     Rekonstitucija aktivnosti steroidne hidroksilaze z encimskimi komponentami iz glive Rhizopus nigricans in goveje nadledvične žleze
Prevedeni naslov     Reconstitution of steroid hydroxylase activity with enzyme components from rhizopus nigricans and bovine adrenal gland
Tip     članek
Vir     Farm Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 47, št. 3
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 293-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The enzyme system which hydroxylates steroids at 11 alpha position in Rhizopus nigricans is composed of cytochrome P450 and NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. By using an in vitro assaysystem it was shown that this multienzyme system is located on fungal microsomes. In order to show the involvement of the reductase in hydroxylation we performed several reconstitution experiments with cytochromes P450 from bovine adrenal cortex. It was shown that only one NAPDH-cytochrome c reducstase, partly purfied from fungal microsomes, was active in reconstituted system with cytochrome P450 C21 from adrenal gland.
Izvleček     Encimski sistem iz glive Rhizopus nigricans, ki hidroksilira steroide na položaju 11 alfa, se sestoji iz citokroma P450 in NADPH-citokrom c reduktaze. Z uporabo in vitro testov smo pokazali, da se ta multiencimski sistem nahaja na mikrosomalnih membranah. Da bi ugotovili, če reduktaza sodeluje v reakciji hidroksilacije, smo iizvedli nekaj rekonstitucijskih eksperimentov s citokromi P450 iz skorje goveje nadledvične žleze. Izkazalo se je, da je bila le reduktaza, delno očiščena z glivinih mikrosomov, aktivna v rekonstitucijskih hsistemih s citokromom P450 C21 iz nadledvične žleze.
Deskriptorji     STEROID 11-HYDROXYLASE