Avtor/Urednik     Boben-Bardutzky, Darja
Naslov     Do zdravja tudi s humorjem
Prevedeni naslov     Achieving health by humor
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Rehar V, editor. Zbornik 1. delovno srečanje Alpe-Jadran Humor in zdravje; 1996 okt 7-8; Toplice Dobrna. Celje: Društvo za promocijo in vzgojo za zdravje,
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 49-52
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     William Glasseer has developed REALITY THERAPY, a different way to counsel and help people. The fundament of RT is The CHOICE THEORY that teaches us that there are five essential needs a person must meet in order to be happy and sutisfied: need for survival, power, love, freedom and fun. We satisfy our need for fun every time we do something enjoyable: when we play, learn, relax, laugh etc. Whenever the needs aren't met we experience the so called frustration signal. And the only way to get rid of this frustration signal is to change our TOTAL BEHAVIOUR. With changing it by performing more humorous activities we will feel better and in long terms also will have better health.
Deskriptorji     WIT AND HUMOR