Avtor/Urednik     Podboj, Jernej
Naslov     Endoskopska kirurgija mukoke lobnosnih votlin
Prevedeni naslov     Endoscopic surgery for mucoceles of the paranas al sinuses
Tip     članek
Vir     Endoskopska revija
Vol. in št.     Letnik 2, št. 4
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 83-6
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Endoscopic transnasal conservation surgery for paranasal sinus mucoceles based on the principle of marsupialisation can almost completely replace classical radical operative techniques. Patients and results. Between 1987 and 1996, 58 patients with paranasal sinus mucoceles were treated at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervicofacial Surgery. University Medical Centre Ljubljana. In 24 patients, mucoceles were located in thefrontal sinuses, in 17 cases in the fronto-ethmoidal region, in 7 in ethmoidal cells, in 7 in maxillary sinuses and in 3 patients in spheoidal sinuses. Endoscopic surgery was performed in 38 of the 58 patients: 12 patients were treated by a combination of transnasal and external endoscopic approach and only 8 patients were operated on by the external technique. Conclusions. Endoscopic surgicaltechnique is an ideal treatment for paranasal sinus mucocelse. its advantages include shorter hospital stay, and reduced rate of postoperative scar formation and defects. Classical external approach is reserved for patients with mucoceles located laterally and/or deep in the frontal sinuses.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Pri operativnem zdravljenju mukokel obnosnih votlin lahko endoskopska transnazalna ohranitvena kirurška tehnika, ki upošteva načelo marsupializacije, skoraj v celoti nadomesti klasične radikalne operativne metode. Bolniki in rezultati. Od leta 1987 do 1996 smo na Univerzitetni kliniki za ORL in CFK v Ljubljani obravnavali 58 bolnikov z mukokelami obnosnih votlin. Mukokelo čelnega sinusa je imelo 24 bolnikov, v čelnoetmoidnem predelu 17, po 7 bolnikov smo uspeli mukokele operirati endoskopsko skozi nos, pri 12 smo endoskopski pristop skozi nos kombinirali z zunajim endoskopskim, le osem bolnikov smo operirali z zunanjim pristopom. Zaključki. Endoskopska tehnika je idealna za kirurško zdravljenje mukokel obnosnih votlin. Po posegih ni vidnihbrazgotin in okrvar na obrazu, čas hospitalizacije je krajši. Klasični zunanji kirurški pristop uporabimo le še pri nekaterih mukokelah v čelni votlini.
Deskriptorji     MUCOCELE