Avtor/Urednik     Peterka, M; Gasparič, A; Avguštin, G
Naslov     A rapid nucleic acid solution concentration technique using n2 flushing
Prevedeni naslov     Hitra metoda za koncentriranje raztopin nukleinskih kislin s prepihovanjem z N2
Tip     članek
Vir     Zb Bioteh Fak Univ Ljublj - Kmetijstvo (Zoot)
Vol. in št.     Letnik 70
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 63-8
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     A rapid, inexpensive and efficient nucleic acid solution concentration method is described. The volume of the solution was reduced andthe concentration of the nucleic acids in the solution increased by flushing the solution with nitrogen gas at the flow of 2-3 1/minute. The method was compared with the commonly used precipitation technique and a similar efficiency was established for both methods, the flushing technique being however faster. The quality of the nucleic acids did not change during the concentration procedure which was proved by successful endonuclease restriction of the material and PCR amplification of specific genes from it. using these technique the volume of a DNA solution can be reduced from 300 micro l to 100 micro l in 35 minutes without any substantial DNA losses.
Izvleček     Opisali smo hitro, poceni in učinkovito metodo za koncentriranje raztopin nukleinskih kislin. Zmanjševanje volumna in povečevanje koncentracije nukleinskih kislin v raztopini smo dosegli s prepihovanjem le te z dušikovim plinom ob pretoku 2-3 l/minuto. Metodo smo primerjali s klasično precipitacijsko tehniko inugotoviti podobno uspešnost ob krajšem času in nespremenjeni kvaliteti nukleinskih kislin, kar smo dokazali z uspešnimi genetsko manipulacijskimi poskusi, t.j. endonukleazno restrikcijo in verižno reakcijo s polimerazo DNK. Ob pretoku plina 3 l/minuto s to tehniko zmanjšamo volumen raztopine DNK s 300 micro l na 100 micro l v 35 minutah ob skoraj nespremenjeni količini DNK v raztopini.
Deskriptorji     DNA, BACTERIAL