Avtor/Urednik     Furlan, J; Seliger, A; Cegnar, T; Berger, T; Macarol-Hiti, M
Naslov     Measurement of airborn pollen concentration in Ljubljana and the incidence of positive skin tests in patients with pollinosis during 1996
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Črepinšek Z, Hočevar A, Kajfež-Bogataj L, editors. Abstracts of the Biometeorology: ICB 96. Proceedings of the 14th international congress of biometeorology; 1996 Sep 1-8; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: The international society of biometeorology,
Leto izdaje     1996
Obseg     str. 153
Jezik     eng
Deskriptorji     AIR POLLUTANTS