Avtor/Urednik     Liščić, RM; Zidar, J
Naslov     Influence of the blink reflex to motor evoked responses of facial muscles in man
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Stalberg EV, de Weerd AW, Zidar J, editors. ECCN 98. 9th European congress of clinical neurophysiology; 1998 Jun 4-7; Ljubljana. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore,
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 137-42
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     During magnetic brain stimulation (TMS) the round coil a large area of the skull and can possibly excite also the trigeminal sensory afferents which can in turn trigger the blink reflex. The ipsilateral R1 component of the blink reflex may sum up with the ipsilateral responses of the facial muscles that arise from motor cortex stimulation. Both of them namely appear with rather similar latencies. To investigate this possibility we examined 11 healthy subjects. Electromyographic responses of the orbicularis oris (OR) and orbicularis oculi (OC) muslces were studied after the supraobitalan TMS stimulations before and after lidocain blocks of the before mentioned nerves. Following TMS the ipsilateral OR muscle responses occurred in 5 subjects and persisted after the lidocaine blocks. They may therefore represent activity in the corticobulbar projection to this muscle and can be taken as an evidence of its bilateral cortical representation. Ipsilateral responses of the OC muscles could, on the other hand, be diminshed or. obstructed by the suproarbitalnerve blocks. They may at least partially be due also to the reflex activation of the lower facial muscles.
Deskriptorji     FACIAL MUSCLES