Avtor/Urednik     Klemenčič, Jan
Naslov     Projekt "Digitalni človek", segmentacija in model preoblikovanja anatomskega atlasa
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Zajc B, editor. Zbornik 7. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK'98. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, robotika, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, močnostna elektrotehnika, didaktika, študentski članki; 1998 sep 24-26; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovenska sekcija IEEE,
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 347-50
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The Visible Human data sets are designed to serve as a common reference point for the study of human anatomy, for diagnostic purposes, treatment planning, for virtual reality applications in medicine etc. The usefullness of the sets is much improved by segmenting the raw image data and linking it to text-based data, thus creating a 3D anatomical atlas. Standards do not currently exist for such linkages. After the sets are segmented, they might be used as a deformable atlas for fast automatic segmentation of patient specific CT or MR images. This is achieved by deforming the atlas model into the patient model, and linking the text-based data from atlas to patient images. The deformation is based on mathematical modelling of linear elastic and viscous fluid materials.
Deskriptorji     MODELS, ANATOMIC