Avtor/Urednik     Tomšič, Martin; Bajrović, Fajko
Naslov     Laboratorijski fiziološki električni stimulator za neposredno stimulacijo perifernih živcev
Prevedeni naslov     Physiological electrical stimulator for direct stimulation of peripheral nerve
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Zajc B, editor. Zbornik 7. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK'98. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, robotika, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, močnostna elektrotehnika, didaktika, študentski članki; 1998 sep 24-26; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovenska sekcija IEEE,
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 359-62
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     We have developed a laboratory physiological electrical stimulator as a research tool for studying compound action potentials (CAP, CNAP) and condution velocity of peripheral nerve fibres (axons) after experiments in vivo. The stimulator is small, lightweight and low cost compared to other commercially available products. It is particularly useful for single pusle threshold stimulation of axons of small nerves without the need to use amplifier blanking. Stimulus parameters fordifferent axons excitation have been estimated. Results of peripheral nerve stimulation in vitro show that CNAP recording without stimulus artifact is possible for A beta, A gama, and C groups of axons.
Deskriptorji     PERIPHERAL NERVES