Avtor/Urednik     Veber, Marjan
Naslov     Z avtogenim treningom do sprostitve in notranjega miru
Prevedeni naslov     Autogenic training - self-aid in distress
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vars
Vol. in št.     Letnik 37, št. Suppl
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 257-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Every living being is suspended between two extremes: tension and relaxation. Mankind is also subject to this natural law. A person's well-being and health depend on the harmony between these two opposites. Since modern times demand large, mainly mental efforts, psychological strain caused by various problems, difficulties, obstacles and dilemmas may quickly occur. Different people react differently. Inadequate solutions to such anguish bears mental tensions expressed inthe form of dissatisfaction, anger, feelings of guilt, fear, etc. Psychosomatic and behavioural disoerders may also occur. Adults and students are confronted equally by these difficulties. Autogenic training or concentrative self-relaxation, as the inventor of autogenic training J. H. Schultz temed this method of relaxation, can also be a helpful aid in such a situation, Through this metod we can use our own efforst to deal with our anguish, where therapy using medicaments is usually inadequate. Autogenic training helps us to find a better balance within ourselves and with the environment. More or less anybody can learn it. it requires no more than will and determination. Schools must also take care of the student's mental condition and health. The school's contribution to this would be in terms of an appropriate burden strain on the pupil within the educational programme and the general hygiene conditions in the school.
Izvleček     Vsako bitje niha me dvema skrajnostima: napetosjo in sprostitvijo. Tudi človek je podvržen temu prazakonu. Od harmonije obeh nasprotij je odvisno njegovo počutje oz. zdravje. Ker sodobni čas terja velike, predvsem duševne napore, lahko pride kaj hitro do duševnih obremenitev, ki jih povzročijo razni problemi, težave, ovire in navzkrižja. Različni ljudje različno reagirajo nanje. Pri neuspešnem reševanju tegov se pojavlja duševna napetost, ki se kaže kot nezadovoljstvo, jeza, občutek krivde, strahu itn. Prisotne so tudi lahko psihosomatične in vedenjske motnje. Takšne težave doživljata odrasel človek in učenec. Pomoč v tej situaciji je lahko avtogeni trening oz. koncentrativna samosprostitev, kakor je metodo sproščanja imenoval njen pobudnik J. H. Schultz. Z lastnimi močmi lahko razbremenimo nevšečnosti, ki nas tarejo in pri katerih zdravljenje z zdravilinavadno ne zadošča. Avtogeni trening nam pomaga, da se bolje ujamemo sami s seboj in s svojo okolico. Nauči se ga lahko domala vsakdo. Potrebni sta le želja in vztrajnost. Za učenčovo počutje in zdravje pa mora poskrbeti tudi šola. Njen prispevek sta ustrezna obremenitev učenca z učno snovjo in urejene vsakršne higienske razmere v času šolanja.