Avtor/Urednik     Pajk, Jožica
Naslov     Trpinčenje otrok v družini in izven nje
Prevedeni naslov     Child abuse in the family and out of it
Tip     članek
Vir     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. in št.     Letnik 33, št. 1-2
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 55-60
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The article deals with child abuse in the family and out of it. Different forms of child abuse with short descriptions are presneted. The question what leads to child abuse, what are the characteristics of family dinamics, and where are the causes for such maltreatment on the part of the parents, is exposed. In the conclusion, the author stresses the fact that it is almost impossible to help the victims of such an abuse without intervention on the part of the authorities.
Izvleček     Prispevek obravnava pojav trpinčenja otrok v družini in izven nje. Predstavljene so različne oblike trpinčenja otrok s kratkim opisom. Izpostavljeno je vprašanje, kakšna je družinska dinamika, kje so vzroki za takšno ravnanje staršev. V sklepu avtorica poudarja, da je skoraj nemogoče pomagati trpinčenim otrokom brez posredovanja mehanizmov oblasti.