Avtor/Urednik     Pišljar, Marko
Naslov     Simptomatska terapija
Prevedeni naslov     Symptomatic therapy
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Kogoj A, editor. Zdravljenje demenc: depresija in motnje spoznavnih sposobnost. Zbornik prispevkov 1. psihogeriatrično srečanje; 1998 nov 27-28; Kranjska Gora. Ljubljana: Združenje za pomoč pri demenci,
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 28-35
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Assessment and management of behavioural and affective symptoms is essential in the care of patients with dementia. Non-pharmacological behavioural management strategies are often effective and should be tried prior to pharmacological intervention. Pharmacotherapy must be considered very carefully with elderly patients. Normal ageing process reduces the concentration of certain brain neurotransmitters, decreases hepatic and renal clearance and increases plasma halflife. Drugs can be useful to target specific symptoms, bearing in mind the increased sensitivity of dementia patients to the side effects of these agents. Antipsychotic drugs are appropriate for use in patients experiencing psychotic symptoms or agitation. Short half-life benzodiazepines represent effective treatment, offering rapid symptomatic relief from anxiety or mild agitation. In patients with dementia SSRIs are recommended for treatment of depression. In all cases, care should be taken to avoid polypharmacy, as this can worsen a patient's confusional state.
Deskriptorji     DEMENTIA