Avtor/Urednik     Martinčič-Fink, Slavica; Čuček-Pleničar, Marjana
Naslov     Sprememba drže pri kroničnih pljučnih boleznih in primerjava z infantilno skoliozo
Prevedeni naslov     Posture changes due to chronic lung diseases in comparison with those caused by infantile scoliosis
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Potočnik MM, editor. Gradivo 17. strokovnega seminarja Respiracijska in kardiovaskularna fizioterapija; 1998 maj; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Društvo fizioterapevtov Slovenije, Sekcija za respiratorno in kardiovaskularno fizioterapijo,
Leto izdaje     1998
Obseg     str. 47-55
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     With patients suffering from a chronic lung disease, a particular posture can be observed. The present work evaluates this posture in terms of the patient's abilities and proposes a programme for posture improvement and better physical activity. A comparison between patients suffering from chronic lung disease and those suffering from infantile scoliosis, carned out by author, shows that with both groups the same organic systems are affected, the affect being of different intensity or occuring in different orders. The paper also describes the work of the physiotherapist aiming at improving the neuromuscular balance of the patiens recovering from a thoracotomy.
Deskriptorji     LUNG DISEASES