Avtor/Urednik     Hertl, Kristijana; Rener, Miljeva
Naslov     Mamografska tehnika - projekcije in kompresija
Prevedeni naslov     Mammography techniques - projections and compression
Tip     članek
Vir     Radiol Oncol
Vol. in št.     Letnik 33, št. Suppl 2
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. S30-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Each of a variety of projections of the mammogram is crucial in detecting breast cancer in its initial stages. Furthermore, accurate and appropriate breast compresion should also be carefully observed. An innaccurate projection and compression may, at the very first mammogram, mislead the radiologist to false negative findings. The patient is therefore given treatment with a delay which may have an unfavourable effect on prognosis. Radiological engeenir as well as radiologist should know that a particular projection may reproduce well only a particular part of the breast. The only exception may be a properly performed MLO projection which shows the tissue of practically the whole breast. In order to make an optimal breast image a through knowledge of anatomical relations in the region between the thoracic wall, pectoral muscle and breast tissue is required.
Izvleček     Vsaka od različnih projekcij pri slikanju dojk doda svoj pomemben delež k prepoznavanju začetnega karcinoma dojke. Zelo pomembna je tudi pravilna in zadostna kompresija pri slikanju dojk. Nepravilno izvedena projekcija in kompresija lahko že ob prvem slikanju zavedeta radiologa k lažno negativnem izvidu, kar pa za ženo pomeni zakasnitev terapije in bistveno poslabša prognozo. Radiološki inženir in radiolog se morata zavedati, da z določeno projekcijo dobro prikažemo samo določene dele dojke. Pogoj za optimalen prikaz tkiva dojke je prepoznavanje anatomskih odnosov med prsno steno, pektoralno mišico in žleznim tkivom.
Deskriptorji     BREAST NEOPLASMS