Avtor/Urednik     Vešligaj-Damiš, Jasna
Naslov     Predstavitev osnovnih elementov psihodrame, možnost uporabe psihodrame in povezave z delovno terapijo
Prevedeni naslov     Presentation of psychodrama's basic elements, possibilities of use and of connection with occupational therapy
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Delovna terapija na pragu novega tisočletja. 10. letni posvet delovnoh terapevtov Slovenije; 1999 nov 24-26; Maribor. Ljubljana: Zbornica delovnih terapevtov Slovenije,
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 84-91
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The author of contribution wants to present the basic elements, the technique and method of work, the purpose and use of psychodrama as well as the possibilities of its connection with area of occupational therapy concerning the work with patients and with professionals - occupational therapists. At the same time she wants to get people interested in the development of the working field of the kind. She would like to make people curious, inspire them and stimulate adequate education in the sphere.. We often come across an understimation of the amount of the required knowledge and training (education) necessary to the adequate use of psychodrama at work people. On the other hand, there exists a very frequent abuse of the world psychodrama, as it used for "everything that means action" ranging from "solemnity" to a "happening". As a rule occupational therapists do not function as psychotherapists nor psychodramatists if they do not have additional skills.
Izvleček     V prispevku bi želela avtorica predstaviti osnovne elemente psihodrame, tehniko in metodo dela, smisel in uporabo psihodrame ter možnosti povezave psihodrame s področjem delovne terapije tako pri delu s pacienti kakor tudi pri delu s profesionalci - delovnimi terapevti. Hkrati bi želela vzpodbuditi zanimanje, radovednost in inspiracijo za razvoj tovrstnega delovnega področja in pobudo za ustrezno edukacijo na tem področju. Pogosto se srečujemo s problemom, da je količina zahtevanih znanj in treningov (edukacije), ki so potrebni za ustrezno uporabo psihodrame pri delu z ljudmi, podcenjena. Istočasno pa lahko zasledimo zelo pogosto zlorabo besede psihodrama, ko se želi z njo označiti "vse, kar je akcija", od "svečanosti" do "happeninga". Delovni terapevti praviloma ne delujejo kot psihoterapevti ali psihodramatiki, razen v primerih, ko so za to dodatno usposobljeni.
Deskriptorji     PSYCHODRAMA