Avtor/Urednik     Miljković, Jovan
Naslov     Kvantitativne promjene folikula dlake u oboljelih od psorijaze
Tip     monografija
Kraj izdaje     Zagreb
Založnik     Sveučilište u Zagrebu Medicinski fakultet
Leto izdaje     1997
Obseg     str. 72
Jezik     cro
Abstrakt     In differentiating psoriatic lesion samples as part of everyday work at the histopathological laboratory, the impression is won that in these lesions the number of hair follicles is decreased. In the literature no suitable data could be found to corroborate whether it is actually a case of decreased follicle number or rather an optic impression caused by epidermal hyperplasia. Studies published to date dealing with this problem are few and contradictory and they mainly treat the problem of "psoriatic alopecia". In order to obtain objective information, samples from 30 psoriatic patients were studied. In each patient two punch biopsies were done, the first one from the psoriatic lesion and the second from the clinically unaltered surrounding skin of the gluteal region. In 20 cases a biopsy specimen of 4 mm diameter was obtained, in 10 cases the diameter was 6 mm. The number of follicles was counted in each sample in five horizontal histologic slices at the level of the infundibular part of the follicle, and then calculated as mean value per cm2 according to the equation: a = r2 II Student's t-test with an accuracy of p<0,05 was used for statistical evaluation. Results and conclusions: The mean value of the hair follicle number in samples from psoriatc lesions amounts to 32.37 follicles/cm2, in samples from clinically unaltered skin 32.96 follicles/cm2. The deviation is statistically insignificant (p>0.05). There are also no the correlation between hair follicles and patient age as well the duration of the disease. Hair follicle number in psoriatic lesions are not decreased compared with follicules in perilesional healthy skin. It is merely an optic impression caused by epidermal acanthosis in psoriatic lesions.
Deskriptorji     PSORIASIS