Avtor/Urednik     Malešič, Ivan; Meško, Metoda
Naslov     Vrednosti askorbinske kisline v krvnem serumu zdravih ljudi in bonikov
Prevedeni naslov     Values of ascorbic acid in blood serum of healthy individuals and patients
Tip     članek
Vir     Farm Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 50, št. 3
Leto izdaje     1999
Obseg     str. 409-16
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Ascorbic acid concentration level was definied in healthy population and in patients. Measurements were made in February and March as in these two months less fresh fruit and vegetable are eaten, which are the two most important sources of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid values in sera are a good indicator of its content in the body of healthy people and patients. Results were statistically compared between healthy people and patients. Statistic results of vitamin C concentration in patients with heart diseases, infections diseases, liver complains and brain strokes were significantly lower then the concentration in healthy population. The former have to be treated with vitamin C. Statistic results of patients suffering from diabetes or patients on chronic intermittent hemodialysis do not differ significantly. In the group of patients on dialysis 32 patients were tested. Only two of them showed concentrations beyond a reference range. Reference ranges was determined in March. It was between 27,6 and 93,6 micromol/L in healthy population. Values depend on age. Elderly people show lower concentration than younger ones.
Izvleček     Določali smo koncentracije askorbinske kisline v krvnem serumu zdravih ljudi in bolnikov z različnimi boleznimi. Meritve smo opravljali februarja in marca. V teh dveh mesecih je namreč v prehrani najmanj sveže zelenjave in sadja, ki so glavni viri tega vitamina. Vrednosti askorbinske kisline v serumu so dober pokazatelj vsebnosti le-te v organizmu zdravih ljudi in bolnikov. Statistično smo primerjali rezultate koncentracij zdrave populacije s skupinami bolnikov. Ugotovili smo, da so vrednosti signifikantno nižje pri bolnikih z boleznimi srca in ožilja, infektivnimi boleznimi, z boleznimi jeter in pri bolnikih po možganski kapi. Pri teh bolezenskih stanjih je torej potrebna terapija z askorbinsko kislino. Sladkorni bolniki in bolniki na kronični intermitentni hemodializi statistično niso odstopali od zdrave populacije. V skupini 32 bolnikov na dializi je bila pri dveh presežena zgornja mejna koncentracija. Za zdravo populacijo smo dobili v marcu referenčne vrednosti askorbinske kisline od 27,6 do 93,6 pmol/L. Vrednosti so odvisne od starosti, starejše osebe imajo nižje vrednosti od mlajših.
Deskriptorji     ASCORBIC ACID