Avtor/Urednik     Miljkoivć, Biljana; Ilić, Zivka; Blazin, Vesna; Pavlović, I; Mamula, D; Cenić, S; Popovič, V
Naslov     Naši rezultati kod primene Diklavet-a u jednom brojlerskom turnusu
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Lukarev T, Prodanov R, Dodovski M, editors. Zbornik. Živinarski dnevovi; 1991 apr 24-26; Ohrid. Skopje: Veterinaren institut "Skopje",
Leto izdaje     1991
Obseg     str. III-181-6
Jezik     ser
Abstrakt     Authors compared usage of new anticoccidial drug which have a high and broad anticoccial efficacy, named Diklavet, at group of 23100 chickens in the intensive breeding. Breeding results and efect of that new anticoccidial drug are comparated with same results in the control group of chickens. All group of chickens are observated weekle and examinated with the parasitology and patomorphological necropsy.Results of our works are presented through the index of production.
Deskriptorji     COCCIDIOSIS