Avtor/Urednik     Tomšič, Martin; Stefanovska, Aneta; Slivnik, Tomaž
Naslov     Elektrofiziološko ocenjevanje obnavljanja perifernih živcev skozi regeneracijska vodila
Prevedeni naslov     Electrophysiological evaluation of peripheral nerve regeneration through nerve guides
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Zajc B, editor. Zbornik 9. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2000. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, robotika, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, močnostna elektrotehnika, didaktika, študentski članki; 2000 sep 21-23; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovenska sekcija IEEE,
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 297-300
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In contrast to clinical studies, animal studies provide the investigator with much greater control over the variables of nerve regeneration and opportunity to develop animal models to study each variable independently. Selection of an assessment technique to measure neural regeneration is critical to a scientific study of a nerve reconstruction technique. A rat sural nerve with gap model of regeneration through nerve guide was assessed by electrophysiological techniques. The compound action potential (CAP) was recorded.The results demonstrated that peripheral nerve regeneration through nerve guides can be successfully evaluated by electrophysiological methods. Coreful selection of the technique appropriate for the particular question asked is important. The combined electrophysiological and histomorphometric measurements have the advantage of greater objectivity.
Deskriptorji     SURAL NERVE