Avtor/Urednik     Rozman, Janez; Zorko, Bojan; Seliškar, Alenka; Bunc, Matjaž
Naslov     Selective recording of neuroelectric activity from the peripheral nerve
Tip     članek
Vir     Pflugers Arch
Vol. in št.     Letnik 440, št. 5 Suppl
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. R157-9
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Electroneurograms (ENGs) from superficial regions of the sciatic nerve of a dog, innervating the tibialis anterior (TA) and gastrocnemius muscles (GM), arising mainly from muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs were recorded selectively with an implanted 33-electrode spiral cuff (cuff). Relative positions of superficial regions within the cuff were defined by delivering stimulating pulses on groups of three electrodes (GTEs) within the cuff which were in contact with them. It was found that (GTEs eliciting maximum contractions of muscles were GTE No. 3 for the TA muscle end GTE No. 8 for the GM muscle. In the first experimenl the implanted leg was mounted into a special electronic brace. Extending forces were applied to the ankle rotating it by up to +-37 degrees according to the neutral position, thus eliciting torques in theTA muscle of up to 1 2Nm. Channel 1 of the 4-channel preamplifier was connected to GTE No. 8, channel 2 to GTE No. 2, channel 3 to GTE No. 11 and channel 4 to GTE No. 5. Results show that only ENG recorded with GTE No. 8, being close to the region innervating theTA muscle, correspond to the mechanical load. In the second experiment the calcanean tendon (CT) of an implanted leg was dissected The proximal end of the CT was connected to a force transducer and repetitive pull forces (about 12N) were applied to the CT Channel 1 of the preamplifier was connected to GTE No- 5, channel 2 to GTE No. 1, channel 3 to the GTE No. 11 and channel 4 to GTE No. 8. Results show that only ENG recorded with GTE No. 5, being close to the region innervating the GM muscle, correspond to the mechanical load applied on CT.
Deskriptorji     SCIATIC NERVE