Avtor/Urednik     Cesar, Jožko; Sollner, Marija
Naslov     Terapevtska uporabnost antagonistov vitronektinskega receptorja
Prevedeni naslov     Therapeutical applicability of vitronectin receptor antagonists
Tip     članek
Vir     Farm Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 51, št. 3
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 483-90
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Vitronectin receptor is a member of integrins, a family of adhesion receptors which bind extracellular matrix proteins. The receptor is involved in processes of osteoporosis, vascular remodeling and angiogenesis. It is expressed on the surface of activated endothelial and smooth muscle cells, which are reentering the cell cycle. The binding of ligands is necessary for the survival of these cells. Vitronectin receptor antagonists block angiogenesis and thus suppress growth of solid tumors as well as some progressive inflammatory diseases. Development of vitronectin receptor antagonists is based predominantly on the RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) binding sequence found in natural ligands. Group of antagonists is consisted of monoclonal antibodies, cyclic peptides and nonpeptide antagonists.
Izvleček     Vitronektinski receptor spada v družino integrinov, adhezijskih receptorjev, ki kot ligande vežejo proteine zunajceličnega matriksa. Receptor sodeluje v procesih osteoporoze, žilnega preustroja in angiogeneze. Pojavlja se na površini aktiviranih endotelijskih in gladkomišičnih celic, ki ponovno vstopajo v celični cikel, vezava ligandov nanj pa je nujna za preživetje teh celic. Antagonisti vitronektinskega receptorja preprečujejo angiogenezo in s tem zavirajo rast solidnih tumorjev, kakor tudi nekatere progresivne vnetne bolezni. Razvoj antagonistov vitronektinskega receptorja temelji v glavnem na RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) vezavni sekvenci, s katero se na receptor vežejo naravni ligandi. Antagoniste lahko razdelimo na monoklonska protitelesa, ciklične peptide in nepeptidne antagoniste.