Avtor/Urednik     Fležar, Matjaž
Naslov     Alergološki zapleti obiskovalcev gora
Prevedeni naslov     Allergic reactions in mountaineers
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 11
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 89-92
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     In the mountains, patients with allergies encounter different climatic and environmental conditions as compared to the lowlands, particularly with respect to pollen allergies. In addition, hornets and bees, which present the greatest danger with respect to anaphylaxis, are not present uniformly in all the highland sectors of our country. House mist is another potent allergen, but has no relevance at altitudes above 1500 m, since the low relative humidity of the air does not allow it to survive. These and many other reasons are why allergic persons feel better in the mountains than in lowlands. The most dangerous reaction which can occur is anaphylaxis (type I - IgE mediated immune response). As a rule, it progresses so rapidly that doctors usually arrive too late to be able to intervene successfully. Therefore, all patients with allergies should be appropriately informed and (when applicable) given preventative drugs before beginning mountaineering trips.
Izvleček     Alergološki bolnik je v gorah izpostavljen drugačnim mikroklimatskim razmeram kot istočasno v dolini, predvsem, kar se tiče cvetenja alergogenih rastlin. Tudi kožokrilci, ki so vzrok najnevarnejšim alergijskim reakcijam, so v gorah redkejši kot v dolini. Pršica ne živi na višini več kot 1500 m nad morjem zaradi premajhne relativne vlage. Še cela vrsta drugih dejavnikov je v gorah odločilna za to, da se alergološki bolnik pogosteje bolje počuti kot v dolini. Če pri alergološkem bolniku v gorah pride do zapletov alergijskih reakcij, posebej tistih najnevarnejših (anafilakse - mehanizem tipa I - posredovan z IgE-protitelesi), je reakcija pogosto tako hitra in burna, da zdravniki v gorah z intervencijo zamudimo. Zato so pomembna zdravila, ki naj jih bolnik dobi pri izbranem zdravniku pred izletom v gore.
Deskriptorji     MOUNTAINEERING