Avtor/Urednik     Varela-Silva, Maria Ines; Vasconcelos, Olga
Naslov     Satisfaction with body-image in cross-cultural context
Prevedeni naslov     Zadovoljstvo s telesno podobo v medkulturni povezavi
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vars
Vol. in št.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 47-57
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Several disciplines, such as anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, provide fundamental explanations about the way we perform voluntary movements and about the way we express ourselves physically. The field of Sport Sciences and its subfields, such as Motor Development, Motor Control and Motor Learning, also give important contributions. From these fields we get a better understanding about our bodies and the way that body size, body shape, posture, attitudes and movement are linked with several means of physical expression. Nevertheless, there are considerable differences between what our bodies can do and what, all of us, as individuals from specific sociocultural groups, with specific patterns of behavior, really may do with our bodies. In this paper we focus on some sociocultural determinants of body image, including mass media, dressing, cosmetics, and the family environ- ment in several cultural contexts. All of'the influences on the human body suggest to us that the members of each human group carry in their bodies the marks of their society and their culture. Culture is carved into the human body and the human body reproduces the entire society.
Izvleček     Različne stroke, npr. anatomija, fiziologija in biomehanika, prinašajo temeljne razlage o tem, kako opravljamo hotene gibe in kako se telesno izražamo. Področje znanosti o športu in njegova podpodročja, npr. motorični razvoj, motorični nadzor in motorično učenje, prav tako pomembno prispevajo k temu. Ta po ja nam omogočajo boljše razumevanje telesa in tega, kako so telesna velikost, oblika, drža, odnosi in gibanje povezani z različnimi načini telesnega izražanja. Kljub temu pa obstajajo velike razlike med tem, kar telo zmore, in tem, kar kot posamezniki iz specifičnih socialnokulturnih skupin, s specifičnimi vzorci vedenja, s svojim telesom tudi res storimo. V prispevku opisujemo nekatere socialnokulturne determinante telesne podobe, mdr. množične medije, oblačenje, kozmetiko in družinsko okolje v različnih kulturnih povezavah. Vsi vplivi na človeško telo nakazujejo, da člani vsake človeške skupine v telesu nosijo znamenja svoje družbe in svoje kulture. Kultura je vklesana v človeško telo in človeško telo poustvarja celotno družbo.
Deskriptorji     BODY IMAGE