Avtor/Urednik     Gubina, Borut; Šavs, Jernej
Naslov     Uporabnost verižne reakcije s polimerazo v diagnostiki gonoreje
Prevedeni naslov     Application of polymerase chain reaction in gonorrhea diagnosis
Tip     članek
Vir     Med Razgl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 39, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2000
Obseg     str. 351-64
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a Gram negative diplococcus the cause of sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea. It is transmitted through a promiscuous intercourse, from infected mother to the newborn and from one partner to another. The standard method of diagnostics of gonorrhea is the cultivation and identification of the bacteria, which is based on selective fermentation of different sugars. As the serological diagnostics is not sufficiently reliable, the polymerase chain reaction technique carries important advantages. To asses the use of the polymearase chain reaction COBAS AMPLICOR as a diagnostic method for Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection and its reliability in comparison with the classical method. We divided the collected samples in three groups. Group A group of 113 clinical specimen (urine, cervical smear) from the Qutpatient Clinic for Sexually Transmited Diseases, Department of Dermatology in Ljubljana, accounted as a population with high risk of infection; group;B .of 48 medical students (urine rinse of urethra), presumed to be a population with low risk of infection; group C of 31 frozen samples of six different strains from the genus Neisseriaceae that have shown the specificity of the COBAS AMPLICOR polymerase chain reaction test. In the group A we found three gonorrhea positive patients with the polymerase chain reaction method, as well as with the standard method of cultures and fermentation of sugars. All the results of the testing in the group B were negative. In the group C we correctly identified the 10 N. gonorrhoeae among the different Neisseriaceae strains. With our work we proved that COBAS AMPLICOR polymerase chain reaction test is useful for diagnostic and screening purposes. It is as reliable as classical diagnostic method and enough specific to discern N. gonorrhoeae from other bacteria of the genus of Neisseriaceae.
Izvleček     Neisseria gonorrhoeae je po Gramu negativni diplokok, ki povzroča spolno prenosljivo bolezen gonorejo. Prenaša se največkrat s spolnimi odnosi med nestalnimi partnerji, z okužene matere na otroka in z enega okuženega partnerja na drugega. Diagnostika gonoreje temelji na osamitvi bakterije in nadaljnji identifikaciji, ki temelji predvsem na fermentaciji različnih sladkorjev Serološka diagnostika ni zanesljiva, zato ponuja uporaba tehnike verižne reakcije s polimerazo pomembne prednosti. Ugotoviti uporabnost diagnostike okužb z N. gonorrhoeae s komercialno dostopnim testom verižne reakcije s polimerazo COBAS AMPLICOR in njegovo zanesljivost v primerjavi s standardno diagnostično metodo. Zbrane vzorce smo razdelili v tri skupine. Skupina A:113 kliničnih vzorcev (seč, bris sečnice) odvzetih v Ambulanti za spolno prenosljive bolezni na Dermatovenerološki kliniki v Ljubljani (skupina z velikim tveganjem za okužbo); skupina B: vzorci seča 48 študentov medicine (skupina z majhnim tveganjem za okužbo); skupina C: 31 zamrznjenih sevov šestih različnih bakterijskih vrst iz rodu Neisseriaceae. V skupini A smo ugotovili tri pozitivne bolnike z metodo verižne reakcije s polimerazo in s standardno metodo osamitve gonokokov iz kužnine. V skupini B so bili vsi vzorci negativni. V skupini C mo kot pozitivne opredelili samo tiste seve najserij, ki so pripadali vrsti N. gonorrhoeae - teh je bilo deset. Z našim delom smo dokazali; da je test verižne reakcije spolimerazo COBAS AMPLICOR uporaben za diagnostiko gonoreje, saj je vsaj tako zanesljiv kot klasična diagnostika in dovolj specifičen, da razloči med N. gonorrhoeae in drugimi bakterijskimi vrstami v rodu Neisseriaceae.
Deskriptorji     GONORRHEA