Avtor/Urednik     Zupanič-Slavec, Zvonka
Naslov     Identifikacija in identiteta lobanj, ki bi naj pripadale celjskim grofom
Prevedeni naslov     Identification and identity of the skulls presumptively assigned to the counts of Celje
Tip     monografija
Kraj izdaje     Ljubljana
Založnik     Medicinska fakulteta
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 347
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The identification by using the epigenetic method gave the most important results: morphological features of skulls were inherited, in particular the shape and dimension of paranasal cavities which, in comparison with front and upper jaw sinuses, as well as, ocular and nasal cavities, led to the anticipation of blood relation. It was complemented and confirmed by many other examined and compared epigenetic signs on skulls (approximately 30 per skull). The identification, together with historiography and genealogy led to the identity of the majority of skulls. The hypotheses were based on the comparison of all the parameters obtained during the research. The research also gave an answer to the question of numbering the skulls. The vault, is not preserved, so we do not know how the deceased were arranged in the vault. Hypothetically rejected chronological principle of burying was replaced by the belief that men and women with children were buried separately, but still, according to the chronology of death; we presume that when the skulls were taken out of the vault, they were numbered according to this principle. The results of identification show that the first four skulls are female (no. 1-4); the next five are male (no. 5-9), than again three female (no.10-12) and six male - one of them is an infant skull (no.13-18). We anticipate that the coffins were arranged in four rows. The hypothesis is confirmed by the identification results. The data obtained in this research show that the Counts of Celje still have living descendants on the female side (Barbara of Celje) and therefore the research was directed into genetics. From the samples, the researchers of the reference laboratory of paleogenetics in Rome, tried to isolate mitohondrial DNA, but isolation was not successfull. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Deskriptorji     CRANIOMETRY