Avtor/Urednik     Grobovšek-Opara, Sonja; Florjančič, Mojca
Naslov     Ambulantna specialistična dejavnost
Prevedeni naslov     Out-patient specialist services
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vars
Vol. in št.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 199-220
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Chapter 12 deals with data on specialist out-patient services provided at the secondary health care level, in hospitals, health care centres and other health care institutions (mostly private clinics), and as a rule accessible only by a general practitioner's referral for specialist care. Specialist out-patient services are very heterogenous, they differ largely in their organisation and are unevenly distributed among health regions. The data were obtained from the following sources: - Report on Specialist Out-Patient Services (Form 3-O1-60), which includes the number of health care staff, the number of hours of work, as well as the number of all and of first visits to out-patient clinics. - Report on Diseases and Morbid Conditions Diagnosed in Out-Patient Specialist Clinics (Form 3-01-70 B). The data are presented by disease groups and three age groups. - Computerised Report on Out-Patient Specialist Services, and Diseases and Morbid Conditions Diagnosed on an Out-Patient Basis (ZUBSTAT). This report has a unified structure and provides detailed information on the type of attendance, ICD-10 code, age group, sex, and basic organisational unit. Approximately 78.5% of the reported data were obtained through computerised reports and the remainder from the completed forms. The number of health care staff was calculated from the number of hours of work relative to the annual target standard (1,590 hours /person). The data on health care staff and attendances were assigned to the following 12 specialty groups: dermato-venerology, gynaecology and obstetrics, infectious diseases, internal diseases, surgery, neurology, ophthalmology, oncology, orthopaedics, otolaryngology, paediatrics and psychiatry. Chapter 12 presents data on curative visits to specialist out-patient clinics. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Izvleček     V 12. poglavju so upoštevani podatki specialistične ambulantne dejavnosti na sekundarni ravni zdravstvenega varstva, ki je praviloma dostopna z napotnico, organizirana pa je v bolnišnicah, v zdravstvenih domovih in drugod (predvsem zasebniki). Specialistična ambulantna dejavnost je izredno heterogena, med regijami neenakomerno razvejana in zelo raznoliko organizirana. Vir podatkov so: - Poročilo o delu ambulantne specialistične dejavnosti (obrazec št. 3-01-60), ki vključuje število zdravstvenih delavcev, število opravljenih delovnih ur zdravsNenih delavcev, število vseh in število prvih obiskov v ambulantah. - Poročilo o ugotovljenih boleznih in stanjih v ambulantni specialistični dejavnosti (obrazec št. 3-01-70 B). Podatki so združeni v predpisane skupine bolezni in v tri starostne skupine. - Računalniško podprto poročilo o delu ambulantne specialistične dejavnosti ter o ugotovljenih boleznih in stanjih (ZUBSTAT) je pripravljeno na podlagi enotne strukture poročanja, ki omogoča podrobnejše poročahje o vrsti obiska, kodah kategorij MKB-10, starostnih skupinah, spolu in elementarnih organizacijskih enotah. Približno 78,5% podatkov smo dobili prek računalniško podprtih poročil, ostalo pa na obrazcih. Število zdravstvenih delavcev je izračunano iz števila opravljenih ur glede na letni normativ (1.590 ur/osebo). Podatki o zdravstvenih delavcih in obiskih so razvrščeni v 12 specialističnih dejavnosti: dermatovenerološka, ginekološka in porodniška, infektološka, internistična, kirurška, nevrološka, okulistična, onkološka, ortopedska, otorinolaringološka, pediatrična in psihiatrična. V poglavju 12 so med obiski v specialističnih ambulantah prikazani samo kurativni obiski. (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih)
Deskriptorji     AMBULATORY CARE