Avtor/Urednik     Medved-Arbeiter, Damjana
Naslov     Pravni vidiki cepljenja proti hepatitisu B za zdravstvene delavce
Prevedeni naslov     Legal aspect of vaccination against hepatitis B for medical workers
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Lešničar G, editor. Infektološki simpozij. Zbornik predavanj ob 40-obletnici ustanovitve infektološke sekcije SZD - Združenja za infektologijo SZD; 2001 okt 5-6; Celje. Celje: Splošna bolnišnica Celje,
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 201-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     According to legislation in force in the Republic of Slovenia the vaccination against hepatitis B is compulsory for health workers. Any avoidance or incapacitation or refusal of the compulsory vaccination leads to legal sanctions. A health worker who unduly refuses to get vaccinated against hepatitis B, commits a minor offence and can be fined with at least SIT 20,000 financial penalty. The refusal is also treated as severe violation of working responsibilities and can result in the termination of worker's employment. The organisation or the employer bears legal responsibility for the damages suffered by the health worker due to the accident at work or occupational disease caused by the infection with hepatitis B at work or related to work. The organisation is also liable for the damages caused by the health worker at work or related to work to third parties according to general rules of liability in tort. If the health worker unduly refuses the compulsory vaccination, he himself /she herself is liable in tort for the damages caused by the unjustified refusal of the compulsory vaccination. Exceptions are possible in case of contraindication for the vaccination against hepatitis B.
Deskriptorji     HEPATITIS B