Avtor/Urednik     Szymanska, Hanna; Krysiak, Elzbieta; Piskorowska, Joanna; Woszczynski, Marek; Czarnomska, Alina
Naslov     Standardisation of laboratory animals for biomedical research in Poland
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Zebič A, editor. Proceedings of the seminar with international participation Laboratory animals in biomedical researcs; 2001 Oct 27; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Medical faculty,
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 18-22
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Increasing demands for biomedical research require laboratory animals of good quality. Simultaneously the scientists aim at limiting the number of sacrificed laboratory animals. Some international organisations like ICLAS, FELASA, SOLAS deal with promotion of proper breeding and care for laboratory animals. In 1997 'The Animal Protection Act' was adopted by Polish Parliament. The standardisation of laboratory animals for biomedical research in Poland is the main task of Commission on Biology of Laboratory Animals P.A.Sci. and Polish National Committee for Collaboration with ICLAS. In 2000 Department of Genetics and Laboratory Animal Breeding, M. Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Warsaw was designed as National Reference Centre for SPF Animal Breeding. The department consists of five integral parts: I bank of SPF (Specified Pathogen Free) inbred mouse and rat strains, 2 experimental animals laboratory, 3 health monitoring laboratory, 4 genetic laboratory, 5 anatomo-pathological laboratory. Trends in development of laboratory animal science in Poland and Europe are overlapping. Standardisation of laboratory animals according to international recommendation seems to be sufficient in leading centres.
Deskriptorji     ANIMALS, LABORATORY