Avtor/Urednik     Repše-Fokter, Alenka; Vengust, Vilibald; Fokter, Samo K
Naslov     Zasevek karcinoma debelega črevesa v pogačico: prikaz primera in pregled literature
Prevedeni naslov     Patellar metastasis from a large bowel adenocarcinoma: a case report and review of the literature
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 70, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. I-53-4
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Primary tumors of the patella are extremely rare and patellar metastases even rarer. Only a few cases were reported in the literature. This is to our knowledge the second report of patellar metastasis from a large bowel adenocarcinoma. A 53-year-old male patient with a past history of large bowel adenocarcinoma, lung and liver metastases consulted an orthopaedic surgeon because of pain, swelling and a flexion contracture of his left knee. Roentgenogram of the left kneerevealed a suspicious osteolytic lesion. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy was performed. The cytopathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of metastatic mucus-producing adenocarcinoma. The patient was treated palliatively with analgesics and radiotherapy.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Čeprav so kostni tumorji pogosto pojavljajo v področju kolena, so primarni tumorji pogačice zelo redki, še redkejši pa so zasevki v pogačico. V prispevku predstavljamo primer zasevka adenokarcinoma debelega črevesa v pogačico pri 53-letnem moškem, na katerega smo posumili zaradi bolečine, otekanja in fleksijske kontrakture, osteolitične lezije na rentgenogramu ter ga verificirali s tankoigelno aspiracijsko biopsijo in citopatološko preiskavo. Bolnika so nato paliativno zdravili z analgetiki in obsevanjem.
Deskriptorji     COLONIC NEOPLASMS