Avtor/Urednik     Kovač, Vilma; Vlaisavljević, Veljko; Reljič, Milan; Gavrić-Lovrec, Vida; Kovačič, Borut; Petrovič, Vidka; Čižek-Sajko, Mojca
Naslov     Zanositev po intrauterini osemenitvi in spodbujanju ovulacije s klomifen citratom
Prevedeni naslov     Pregnancy with intrauterine insemination and ovulation stimulation with clomiphene citrate
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 71, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. I-35-8
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. The aim of our study was to asses the success of the method of intrauterine insemination (IUI) and ovulation stimulation with clomiphene citrat compared to other techniques of assisted reproductive technology (AR). Methods. In retrograde, 533 cycles of IUI were analysed in 204 infertile couples. The success of IUI was compared according to the most common indications, the patients age and the successive cycle of IUI. The different values of the variables were compared using Pearson's Chi-square test Results. The overall pregnancy rate was 6.7%. The success was 2.35% in couples with a tubal cause of infertility (with one side tubal pathology), 12.12% in couples with male infertility only and 7.33% in couples with idiopathic infertility. The differences in the results ofl IUl between the age groups of female patients were not statistically significant. Conclusions. IUI is painless, noninvasive and less expensive method of AR and has therefore an important role for the treatment of infertility. IUI is suitable mainly for idiopathic infertility, some forms of male infertility and oligo - anovulations and if there are no contraindications we recommend it as treatment before IVF program.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Namen naše raziskave je bila ocena uspešnosti intrauterinih osemenitev (IUI) in spodbujanja ovulacije s klomifen citratom ter določitev njihovega mesta med drugimi metodami asistirane reprodukcije (AR). Metode. Retrogradno smo analizirali 553 ciklusov IUI, ki smo jih opravili pri 204 neplodnih parih. Primerjali smo uspešnost IUI glede na najpogostejše indikacije, glede na starost bolnic in glede na zaporedni ciklus IUI. Razlike v vrednosti spremenjivk smo primerjali s Pearsonovim hi-kvadratnim testom. Rezultati. Celoten delež zanositev na ciklus je bil 6 7%. Uspešnost IUI pri parih, neplodnih zaradi patologije jajcevodov na eni strani, je bila 2,35%, pri parih, pri katerih je vzrok neplodnost pri moških, 12,12% in pri parih z idiopatsko neplodnostjo 7,33%. Razlike v uspešnosti IUI med starostnimi skupinami bolnic niso bile statistično značilne. Zaključki. IUI je neboleča, neinvazivna, predvsem pa po ceni ugodna metoda AR in ima zato pomembno mesto v zdravljenju neplodnosti. IUI jeprimerna metoda za zdravljenje zlasti idiopatske neplodnosti, nekaterih oblik moške neplodnosti in oligo- ali anovulacij. Če ni kontraindikacij, jo svetujemo tudi za zdravljenje pred vključitvijo v program in vitro fertilizacije (NF).