Avtor/Urednik     Brvar, Miran; Jamšek, Marija; Možina, Martin; Horvat, Matija; Gorjup, Vojka
Naslov     Epidemiološki pregled zastrupitev z ogljikovim monoksidom v Ljubljani od 1990 do 1999
Prevedeni naslov     Epidemiology of carbon monoxide poisoning in Ljubljana from 1990 to 1999
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 71, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 87-90
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Carbon monoxide (CO) is the most common lethal poisoning. The incidence of sublethal CO poisoning in Slovenia is not known. The aim of the study was to investigate the epidemiology of sublethal acute CO poisoning in Ljubljana region (Slovenia). Methods. A retrospective study involved CO poisoned patients admited to Poison Control Centre and Centre of Intensive Care Medicine of the University Medicine Centre Ljubljana, between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 1999. Results. There were annualy approximately 2.4 cases of sublethal CO poisonings per 100.000 population in Ljubljana region. Of these, 25% were suicide attempts and 75% were unintentional poisonings (28% happened in domestic environment as a result of heating, cooking or bathing, 22% were associated with fire, 11% happend in the working site, 10% happened in the workroom at home and only 3% occurred in the moving vehicle). Among the patients there were 72% male and 28% female. The domestic source of CO was a gas water heater or residential heating device in the 63% of the cases, a coal stove in the 32% and an oil heater in the 6%. In the 18% of the suicide attempts we found also acute drug or alcohol intoxication, and 18% of patients poisoned in the fire were intoxicated with alcohol. Collective poisoning happened in the 25% of cases affecting from 2 to 6 persons. Conclusions. The incidence of sublethal CO poisoning in Ljubljana region appers to be seven times lower than in other countries. The main reason is misdiagnosing of CO poisoning. In the future we should consider CO poisoning more often, particularly in all patients with flu-like symptoms, unexplained headache and worsening of pre-existing diseases. We should always exclude the collective poisoning and the presence of alcohol or other drugs.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Zastrupitev z ogljikovim monoksidom (CO) je najpogostejša letalna zastrupitev. Incidenca neletalnih zastrupitev s CO v Sloveniji ni znana. Namen naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti incidenco neletalnih akutnih zastrupitev s CO v Ljubljanski regiji. Metode. Retrospektivna raziskava je vključevala bolnike, hospitalizirane zaradi zastrupitve s CO v Centru za zastrupitve (CZ) in Centru intenzivne interne medicine (CIIM) v Kliničnem centru v Ljubljani med 1.1. 1990 in 31.12. 1999. Rezultati. V Ljubljanski regiji je bilo letno približno 2,4 zastrupljenca s CO na 100.000 prebivalcev. V 25% primerov je šlo za poskus samomora, v ostalih 75% pa za nenamerne zastrupitve (v 28% v bivalnem okolju-pri ogrevanju prostorov, kuhanju in kopanju, 22% pri požarih, 11% na delovnem mestu, 10% pri delu v domači delavnici in le 3% med vožnjo). 72% zastrupljencev je bilo moških, 28% pa žensk. V bivalnem okolju je bil vir CO v 62% primerov plinski gorilnik za gretje vode ali plinska peč, v 32% peč na premog in 6% peč na olje. Pogostost zastrupitev s plinskimi gorilniki narašča. Pri 18% poskusih samomora s CO smo hkrati ugotovili še zastrupitev z etanolom in/ali zdravili in pri 18% zastrupitev v požaru še zastrupitev z etanolom. 25% zastrupitev je bilo množičnih (2 do 6 zastrupljencev). Zaključki. Incidenca neletalnih zastrupitev s CO je v Ljubljanski regiji 7-krat nižja kot drugod po svetu. Najpomembnejši vzrok je naše neprepoznavanje zastrupitev s CO. V prihodnje moramo večkrat pomisliti na možnost zastrupitve s CO, še zlasti pri starejših bolnikih z znaki gripozne bolezni, glavobolom in poslabšanju osnovne bolezni. Vedno moramo izključiti tudi možnost kombinirane zastrupitve in hkratne zastrupitve več ljudi.