Avtor/Urednik     Ažman, D
Naslov     Motorične sposobnosti kot pomemben dejavnik vozniške uspešnosti starejših moških
Prevedeni naslov     Motor abilities as an important factor of driving performance of elderly males
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Končni program, povzetki prispevkov in članki Mednarodna konferenca Krepimo zdravje z gibanjem in zdravo prehrano; 2002 Apr 18-21; Radenci. Ljubljana: CINDI,
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 19, 65-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     OBJECTIVE: Individuals aged 65 and over represent the most rapidly growing segment of the (driving) population in the industrialized societies. Although the driving privilege may help seniors maintain greater levels of independence and selfsufficiency, many deficits in driving-related abilities increase with age and may place some individuals at risk for accidents. The basic aim of this research was to determine whether relatively healthy older drivers exhibiting less successful driving performance (crash-involved) differ from their more successful peers (no crash involvement) on measures of motor abilities. METHODS: A total of 28 relatively healthy men ranging in age from 64 to 81 years were used in this matched case-control study. 14 case subjects, responsible for a car crash within the past 3 to 4 years, were each matched to one male control subject (from a pool of 85 possible controls) based on age, education level, and annual distance driven. Both groups of subjects were compared on measures of endurance, flexibility, strength, agility and balance. A one-way ANOVA was used to evaluate the data. RESULTS: The most significant variables discriminating between case and control subjects were neck and trunk flexibility (right turn) and upper body strength. Further significant differences occurred in shoulder girdle flexibility and lower body strength. Aerobic endurance proved to be somewhat less related to driving performance. CONCLUSIONS: The results show a possibility of modifying age-related declines in driving-related abilities also through suitable physical activity. In this context - despite the whole advantage of the endurance activities, which are surely the base of maintaining vitality - there should be given greater emphasis on preserving strength and flexibility in middle- and old-aged individuals.