Avtor/Urednik     Fošnarič, I; Rokavec, A; Munda, A; Žic, L
Naslov     Glavoboli zaradi bolezni ušes, nosu in obnosnih votlin pri otrocih
Prevedeni naslov     Headache as a consequence of diseases of ear, nose and paranasal sinuses in children
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Pediatr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 9, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 48-52
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Headache as a consequence of ear diseases is very common in children. Pain caracteristics, otoscopic examination and clinical hearing test are esential for diagnosis. Additional aid is provided with audiogram and tympanogram. The most common cause of ear born headache in children is acute otitis media. It usually starts soon after the infection of upper respiratory tract. The most common causative agents are bacteries. There are different patologic stages through which an acute otitis media may progress and all stages have different pain caracteristics. Younger the children are more general simptoms they have. Diagnosis is made with otoscopic examination. Therapy is based mainly on medical treatment. Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses are also among the causes of headache in children. History and clinical examination of nose and throat are most important diagnostic steps. Endoscopic procedures represents additional help in diagnostics. Infections of the upper respiratory tract represent one of the most common grupes of diseases in childhood. Anatomical part of upper respiratory tract are paranasal sinuses. When we are talking about sinusitis in children we usually mean ethmoidal and maxillary sinusitis. Causative agents are similar as in otitis media. Headache is not the leading simptom. Diagnosis is based upon history and clinical examination. The usuall therapy is also medical.
Izvleček     Glavobol zaradi bolezni ušes je pri otrocih zelo pogost. Značilnosti bolečine nas ob otoskopskem pregledu in klinični preiskavi sluha velikokrat privedejo do prepoznave bolezni. V dodatno pomoč sta nam avdiogram in timpanogram. Najpogostejši vzrok glavobola zaradi bolezni ušes pri otrocih je akutno vnetje srednjega ušesa. Pojavi se navadno po preboleli okužbi zgornjih dihal. Povzročitelji so največkrat bakterije. Bolezen poteka po patoloških stadijih, katerim sledi tudi dinamika bolečine. Čim mlajši so otroci, tem bolj v ospredju so splošna bolezenska znamenja. Prepoznava temelji zlasti na otoskopskem pregledu. Zdravljenje je v glavnem konzervativno. Med vzroki za glavobol pri otrocih so tudi bolezni nosu in obnosnih votlin. Tudi tukaj sta dobra anamneza in klinični pregled nosu ter žrela nepogrešljiva za prepoznavo bolezni. Endoskopske preiskave nam pri tem dodatno pomagajo. Okužbe zgornjih dihal so v otroški dobi med najpogostejšimi boleznimi. Anatomski del zgornjih dihal so tudi obnosne votline. Ko govorimo o vnetjih obnosnih votlin pri otrocih, mislimo zaradi razvojnih posebnosti zlasti na vnetje sitkinih celic in čeljustne votline. Povzročitelji so podobni kot pri vnetju srednjega ušesa. Glavobol ni vodilno znamenje. Prepoznava temelji zlasti na anamnezi in kliničnem pregledu. Tudi tukaj je zdravljenje v glavnem konzervativno.
Deskriptorji     HEADACHE