Avtor/Urednik     Vrba, L
Naslov     Vloga psihologa pri obravnavi otrok in mladostnikov z glavobolom
Prevedeni naslov     The role of psychologist in management of children and adolescents with headaches
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Pediatr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 9, št. Suppl 1
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 69-71
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Headaches are common and troublesome symptoms in childhood and adolescence. In most cases they are not due to serious neurological diseases. Recurrent headaches lead in experience of personal discomfort for the child or adolescent and raise great concern in their parents. In management of headaches it is important to have comprehensive point of wiew in evaluation and in reatment. The psychologist can contribute to management of headache patients by combining results from psychologic tests and clinical interviews. Psychologist can also help the physician in treatment . Psychologist can use different psychoterapeutic techniques, counseling, relaxation techniques, "biofeedback" and cognitive therapy, and have contacts with school and other important institutions in environment of the patient.
Izvleček     Glavoboli so pogosta težava tako pri odraslih kot tudi pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Običajno niso posledica resne nevrološke bolezni. Kljub temu lahko kronični glavoboli moteče vplivajo na prizadetega otroka ali mladostnika in na njegovo družino. Potrebna je skrbna celostna obravnava. Psiholog lahko pomaga zdravniku pri diagnosticiranju težav. Pri tem uporablja psihodiagnostične teste in klinični intervju. Pomaga tudi pri zdravljenju in sodeluje z zdravnikom. Uporablja lahko različne psihoterapevtske tehnike, relaksacijske tehnike, *biofeedback* in kognitivne tehnike. Po potrebi sodeluje s širšim otrokovim okoljem.
Deskriptorji     HEADACHE