Avtor/Urednik     Javernik, Tanja; Piberl, Sebastijan
Naslov     Porod v avtomobilu NMP in težave pri obravnavi specifičnih stanj - prikaz primera
Prevedeni naslov     Delivery in ambulance and management of specific conditions in pre-hospital setting - case report
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Bručan A, Gričar M, Vajd R, editors. Urgentna medicina: izbrana poglavja 8. Zbornik 9. mednarodni simpozij o urgentni medicini; 2002 jun 19-22; Portorož. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za urgentno medicino,
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 338-9
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Delivery of baby is probably the greatest event in live of each woman. To bring to the world healty baby, is wish of each mother, as well as every medical staff, involved in procedure of delivery, especialy in critical condition like this is delivery in ambulance far away from hospital. In this case report i would like to express the problems need to be solved in case of prehospital delivery.
Deskriptorji     LABOR ONSET