Avtor/Urednik     Vidmar, Katarina; Štefančič, Marija
Naslov     Infant mortality in Celje, Slovenia, in the 19th century
Prevedeni naslov     Umrljivost dojenčkov v Celju v 19. stoletju
Tip     članek
Vir     Anthropol Noteb
Vol. in št.     Letnik 7, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 115-22
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     We present biodemographic data for infant mortality and the causes of death in the 19th century in Celje, Slovenia. Infant mortality is strongly correlated with social conditions and has a considerable significance in demography. Data from the birth and death parish registers of St. Danijel Parish in Celje were studied. The following parameters were analysed: infant mortality, percentage of infant mortality, infant mortality rate and the following causes of death: Freisen, weakness, pneumonia, tuberculosis, other respiratory diseases, dysentery, diphteria, smallpox, other infectious diseases, still-birth. Infant mortality percentage was high in the whole century, and in all decades it was higher for boys. Infant mortality rate was also high and was increasing from the third decade until the end of the century. Considering the causes of death, following conclusions were made: there was a high percentage of still-born babies; another significant cause of death was Freisen, for children who were not breast-fed. More frequent than tuberculosis were other respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and whooping cough. Other important causes of death were infectious diseases, e.g. smallpox, dysentery, diphteria.
Izvleček     Predstavljeni so biodemografski podatki za umrljivost in vzroke umrljivosti dojenčkov v Celju v 19.stoletju. Umrljivost dojenčkov je močno povezana s socialnimi razmerami in se odraža v splošni demografiji. Zbrali smo podatke iz rojstnih in mrliških matičnih knjig župnije Sv. Danijela in analizirali naslednje parametre: umrljivost dojenčkov, delež umrlih dojenčkov, stopnjo smrtnosti. Analizirali smo tudi vzroke umrljivosti: Freisen, izčrpanost, pljučnico, tuberkulozo, druge respiratorne bolezni, grižo, davico, koze, druge nalezljive bolezni in mrtvorojene otroke. Umrljivost dojenčkov je bila v vseh desetletjih visoka, za dečke višja kot za dekliee. Tudi stopnja umrljivosti je bila visoka, naraščala je od tretjega desetletja do konca stoletja. Rezultati raziskovanja vzrokov umrljivosti kažejo, daje bil visok delež mrtvorojenih otrok, prav tako delež umrlih zaradi bolezni Freisen, ki je bila bolezen dojenčkov, ki jih niso hranili z materinim mlekom. Pri dojenčkih so se kot vzroki umrljivosti pogosto pojavljali bronhitis, pljučnica, oslovski kašelj, manj pogosto pa tuberkuloza. Drugi pomembnejši vzroki umrljivosti so bile še infekcijske bolezni: koze, griža, davica.
Deskriptorji     HISTORY OF MEDICINE, 19TH CENT.