Avtor/Urednik     Slejko, Ljiljana
Naslov     Projekt zmanjševanja pitja alkohola v podjetju
Prevedeni naslov     Decreasing the consumption of alcohol
Tip     članek
Vir     Delo Varn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 47, št. 3
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 143-5
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Alcohol addiction at work is usually quite obvious. Sooner or later the employee starts to perform worse than before and complicates his relationship with his co-workers. The employer is interested in having sober employees-only this way he can quarantee excellence and the possibility of quality production. The paper describes the options what a company can do to decrease the consumption of alcohol thus maintaining health and the ability of its employees to work. Teamwork is the type of work at the company combined with the compulsory assistance of an authorised doctor.
Izvleček     Odvisnost od alkohola je zelo opazna na delovnem mestu. Delavec začne slejkoprej slabo delati in si zaplete odnose. Delodajalec je zainteresiran, da so delavci trezni, ker samo tako zagotavljajo odličnost in sposobnost kakovostne proizvodnje. V prispevku je opisano, kako podjetje lahko vpliva na zmanjšanje pitja alkohola in s tem ohrani zdravje in delazmožnost svojih zaposlenih. Delo v podjetju je timsko, obvezno pa je sodelovanje pooblaščenega zdravnika.
Deskriptorji     WORKPLACE