Avtor/Urednik     Predin, Štefan
Naslov     Minaržikova zbrana dela. 2
Tip     monografija
Kraj izdaje     Maribor
Založnik     Mariborske lekarne
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 722
ISBN     961-90272-5-6
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     It is difficult to add any more wise thoughts to the quoted records of Minaržik's friends and acquaintances. To analyse his collected works in detail and evaluate them is also not the subject of this summary, as it would require a profound analysis of all his records in the light of the present state of knowledge on individual themes that he had published. This is a task for the future and still waits for a researcher to undertake this extensive and difficult work. His spadework in the Slovene pharmaceutical historiography is shown most demonstratively by his reports, where he had reported of the pharmaceutical historiography situation in Slovenia and Yugoslavia, which he was very much connected with. Among authors, who had been writing more about it before Minaržik, let me mention P. pl. Radics and N. Schniderschitsch. It is therefore obvious, that Minaržik was engaged in nearly all the areas of the pharmacy history, but he reached also for the history of medicine, as D. Mušič described in his article. Wherever he came, he was interested in there history, first of all in medicine and medicaments. His staying at Bled can be defined by his discourses on mineral springs, beginning with the description of the spring of Bled. Here he was especially interested in the role of pharmacists in their analysis or exploitation. For the history of pharmacy we have to mention a series of articles that he later collected in his work Novelettes from the history of the Carniolan pharmacy. These had been projected already in Carniola, even though they were published later, when he lived in Maribor.
Deskriptorji     PHARMACY