Avtor/Urednik     Fischinger, Janez
Naslov     Epithelial hyperplastic lesion in chronic hyperplastic laryngitis of patients treated from 1994 to 1998 at the Department of otorinolaryngology and cervicofacial surgery in Ljubljana
Prevedeni naslov     Hiperplastične spremembe epitela pri bolnikih s kroničnim laringitisom, zdravljenih od 1994-1998 na Kliniki za otorinolaringologijo in cervikalno kirurgijo v Ljubljani
Tip     članek
Vir     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. in št.     Letnik 71, št. Suppl 3
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. III-69-71
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Different grades of epithelial hyperplastic lesions can be found in various pathological entities, e.g. chronic laryngitis, polyps, nodules, Renike's edema, papillomas, and cysts. Among all these entities, atypical hypeplasia or risky epithelium occurs most frequently in chronic hyperplastic laryngitis. Malignant transformation develops almost exclusively in this type of aberration. The aim of this study was to determine the main ethiologic agents and to evaluate the frequency of histomorphologic epithelial changes, the male-female ratio, age and sex distribution of patients with a diagnosis of chronic laryngitis from the Ljubljana region treated in the period from 1994 to 1998 at the Department Otorhinolaryngology and Cervicofacial Surgery, Clinical Centre, Ljubljana. A retrospective clinical pathological analysis was performed on a series of 178 patients with 239 biopsies. The laryngeal biopsies were classified according to the Ljubljana classification. According to the degree of epithelial lesions, a histologic diagnosis of atypical hyperplasia (risky epithelium) was established in 8.1% of cases. The patients ages ranged from 21 to 89 years. The highest frequency of chronic laryngitis was in females between 40 and 49, and in male patients between 50 and 59 years. The male-female ratio was 8:1. We found that 79% of patients diagnosed with chronic laryngitis were smokers and 31% alcoholics. Nearly half (48%) of patients were employed in industry. There is a need for long term follow-up observation to obtain a reliable percentage of malignant transformations in atypical hyperplasia in our series. Cognition that atypical hyperplasia may transform into cancer requires that increasing attention is paid to early detection and adequate treatment.
Izvleček     Pri boleznih grla, kot so kronični laringitis, polip, vozlič, Reinkejeva oteklina, papilom in cista, ugotavljamo različne stopnje hiperplazije epitela. Atipična hiperplazija (rizični epitel) je najpogostejša pri kroničnem vnetju grla. Spremembe v raka se pojavljajo skoraj izključno v sluznici, v kateri smo ugotovili atipično hiperplazijo. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti poglavitne vzročne dejavnike za nastanek hiperplazij grlnega epitela kot tudi, v kolikšni meri so se posamezne vrste hiperplazij pojavljale pri moških in ženskah, ki smo jih v obdobju 1994-1998 zdravili na Kliniki za otorinolaringologijo in cevikofacialno kirurgijo v Ljubljani. V retrospektivni študiji smo uporabili anamnestične in histopatološke podatke skupine 178 bolnikov s kroničnim laringitisom, pri katerih smo naredili 239 odvzemkov spremenjene sluznice grla. Odvzemke tkiva smo razvrstili po Ljubljanski klasifikaciji. Atipično hiperplazijo (ogroženi epitel) smo ugotovili pri 8,1% bolnikov. Bolniki so bili stari od 21-89 let. Največ žensk je bilo v skupini 40-49 let, moških pa v skupini 50-59 let. Razmerje med moškimi in ženskami je bilo 8:1. V skupini 178 bolnikov je bilo 79% kadilcev in 31% alkoholikov. Skoraj polovica bolnikov (48%) je bila zaposlena v industriji. Ker pri bolnikih, ki smo jim ugotovili atipično hiperplazijo grlnega epitela, lahko pride do prehoda v rakavo bolezen šele v daljšem časovnem obdobju, ugotovimo realen odstotek malignizacije šele po dolgoletnem opazovanju bolnikov. Bolnike z atipično hiperplazijo grlnega epitela moramo še posebno pazljivo pregledati, da bi tako še pravočasno odkrili sumljivo spremembo in jo ustrezno zdravili.
Deskriptorji     LARYNGITIS