Avtor/Urednik     Vinter, Marko; Debenak, Primož
Naslov     CT angiografija vratnih arterij, problemi in rešitve pri 3D obdelavi
Prevedeni naslov     Carotid CT angiography, problems and solutions at 3D technique
Tip     članek
Vir     Bilt DRI
Vol. in št.     Letnik 19, št. 3
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 10-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Purpose: To determine the reliability of helical computed tomography (CT) with volume rendering (VR) for evaluation of internal carotid arterial stenosis. When, why and how to do in our hospital? Materials and methods: CT angiography (CTA) was performed in 129 patients, all of them candidates for surgical treatment (endearterectomy). Color Doppler sonography with three dimensional (3D) reconstruction was previously performed on all of them, on some of them digital subtraction angiography (DSA) also. CTA were performed on Toshiba Xpress CT scanner and postprocessing reconstruction on two different workstations: Xtension and Voxar. This method allowed us comparison between different systems for 3D processing CT data. Results: CTA with volume rendering enabled accurate evaluation of carotid disease, even when dense calcifications were present. Axial, volume rendered, and MIP images enabled correct classification degree of stenosis, near occlusion or occlusion. At the same time they clearly show type of filling defects. In our department CTA was proved as the most suitable method for detecting carotid dis- ease with patients, where operation was anticipated.
Izvleček     CTA s prostorskim upodabljanjem omogoča natančen prikaz žilnih zožitev, tako mehkih plakov kot kalciniranih. V čanku so predstavljene naše izkušnje in protokoli pri diagnostiki teh oblenj.
Deskriptorji     CAROTID STENOSIS