Avtor/Urednik     Orbach, Israel
Naslov     Mental pain: conceptualization and clinical aspects
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Grad-Tekavčič O, editor. Suicide risk and protective factors in the new millennium. Ljubljana: Cankarjev dom,
Leto izdaje     2001
Obseg     str. 255-7
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The present paper presents Shneidman's view on suicide and mental pain. Taking his theoretical approach we have conducted a phenomenological study on mental pain that resulted in a Mental Pain Scale with adequate psychometric properties. Based on this study, we define mental pain as the perception of negative changes in the self and its function, accompanied by negative emotions and negative cognitions. In addition, we focus on mental pain and suicide from a clinical perspective focusing on pain-producing inner patterns (e.g., self-hate). Some general conclusions about therapy are presented.
Deskriptorji     FRUSTRATION