Avtor/Urednik     Paulus, Dominique; Marshall, Martin; Kuenzi, Beat; Kersnik, Janko; Glehr, Reinhold
Naslov     Divergences d'opinion entre patients et medecins generalistes
Prevedeni naslov     Disagreement during the consultations in family practice
Tip     članek
Vir     Rev Prat
Vol. in št.     Letnik 16, št. 564
Leto izdaje     2002
Obseg     str. 263-5
Jezik     fre
Abstrakt     Objectives: To review the literature dealing with disagreement, discord or conflict in the consultation in family practice. Methods: Medline and Embase search using the MeSH terms: <physician/doctor patient relationship> <family/general practice> <consultation> with the following text words: <disagreement/disconcordance>. Results: Very little is known about the prevalence, severity and the outcomes of the disagreement during the consultations in family practice. The literature identified two issuess causing disagreement in the consultation i.e. the GP's refusal to follow the patient's demand (prescription, test) and a delayed or missed diagnosis by the GP which the patient believes to be a mistake. Consequences of the disagreement for the GP are mainly job dissatisfaction, tension and stress. The patient will change or shop the doctors with potential subsequent worse outcomes. Conclusion: Most papers stress the importance of actively using effective communication skills to prevent and to minimise disagreements between the GP and his patient.