Avtor/Urednik     Smrkolj, V; Banovec, J
Naslov     Preskušanje intramedularne armature pri premostitveni osteosintezi kostnega defekta z metilmetakrilatom
Prevedeni naslov     Testing of the intramedullary reinforcement used in osteosynthesis with bone grafting of the bone defect with methyl-metacrylate
Tip     članek
Vir     Acta Chir Iugosl
Vol. in št.     Letnik 37, št. 1
Leto izdaje     1990
Obseg     str. 11-7
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     The purpose of this testing was to determine whether the routinely used intramedullary metallic plate can be replaced by our newly constructed metallic reinforcement ladder without interfering with the static properties of the bone alignment. Our results showed that the alignment obtained by the application of the new metallic reinforcement had the same static value as the formerly used technique. The new technique is superior to the former one as concerns the bending loads due to the greater distance between the external osteosynthesis plate and the reinforcement, and because of the greater friction between the reinforcement and methyl-metacrylate than between the metallic plate and methyl-metacrylate.
Izvleček     Namen preskušanja je bil ugotoviti, ali je moč zamenjati dosedaj uveIjavljeno intramedularno kovinsko ploščo v metilmetakrilatu s posebno kovinsko lestvico lastne konstrukcije, ne da bi bile pri tem okrnjene statične lastnosti kostnega spoja. Preskus je pokazal, da je novi spoj s kovinsko lestvico statično vsaj enakovreden staremu spoju s kovinsko ploščo v medularnem kanalu, na natezne obremenitve pa celo boljši zaradi večjega razmika med zunanjo osteosintezno ploščo in armaturno lestvico, ter večjega trenja med lestvico in metilmetakrilatom, kot pa med armaturno ploščo in metilmetakrilatom.
Deskriptorji     BONE NEOPLASMS